All data related to Leasehold and freehold residential property transactions in England and Wales: 2018
Number of transactions for leasehold and freehold residential properties for a range of geographies in England and Wales.
Number of freehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and Middle layer Super Output Area. Annual data.
Number of leasehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and Middle layer Super Output Area. Annual data
Number of freehold and leasehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and combined authorities. Annual data.
Number of freehold and leasehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and counties and unitary authorities. Annual data.
Number of freehold and leasehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and local authorities. Annual data.
Number of freehold and leasehold residential property sales in England and Wales, by new and existing, by property type and regions and countries. Annual data.