• Contact:
  • Release date:
    04 May 2022
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

Monthly figures on the attitudes of UK and overseas residents arriving in and departing from the UK towards social distancing, mask wearing, and coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and the proportion who had been vaccinated, using unweighted results from the International Passenger Survey for the period covering February 2021 to March 2022 and the Civil Aviation Authority’s Departing Passengers Survey for the period covering June 2021 to December 2021 (Experimental Statistics).

Edition in this dataset

Important notes and usage information

This dataset contains unweighted data. This means the results are based on the responses of only the people interviewed and do not account for any differences in the respondent group compared with all people travelling during the period. Therefore, the results should not be considered indicative of the travelling population as a whole and cannot be compared with weighted data. See the Measuring the Data section of the February 2021 to March 2022 dataset for further information.

Departing Passenger Survey (DPS) data from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) covering the period of June 2021 to December 2021. The coronavirus questions were removed from the CAA survey in January 2022. The CAA interviews passengers departing from a UK airport to either a domestic or international destination, although only data for passengers travelling internationally has been included in this bulletin. Passengers are interviewed at the airport departure gates. International Passenger Survey (IPS) findings currently contain data for passengers arriving in the UK through UK airports and on the Dover ferries (domestic passengers travelling within the UK are excluded). Because of differences in the samples interviewed, caution should be applied when comparing IPS and DPS data. You can find more information about the two surveys and how they are conducted in the Measuring the Data section of the February 2021 to March 2022 dataset.

Contact details for this dataset

Rebecca Leeson
+44 1329 447756