
25 July 2022

We have identified a processing error to the dataset Effects of taxes and benefits on household income for financial year ending 2020. This primarily affected original income, however a range of values across published tables have also been affected.

23 August 2024

Ongoing quality assurance identified a processing error relating to the dataset “The effects of taxes and benefits on household income” for financial year ending 2022. An error was identified in self-employment income, cash benefits and indirect taxes microdata, impacting a range of published tables. After correcting this minor error, revised UK final income remains within 0.3% of previously reported values. “Effects of taxes and benefits on UK household income: financial year ending 2022” headline statistics show a revised median household final income of £38,200 (up from previously reported £38,100), and that richest fifth of people in FYE 2022 paid 9.8% of equivalised disposable income on indirect taxes (up from previously reported 9.0%). We apologise for any inconvenience, data tables and main points have now been corrected.

About this Dataset

Data on the effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 2001, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired individuals and households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.

Edition in this dataset

Average incomes, taxes and benefits of all individuals, retired and non-retired by decile group edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Average incomes, taxes and benefits of all individuals, retired and non-retired by quintile group edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Summary of the effects of taxes and benefits of Individuals by household type edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

Household Income and Expenditure team
+44 3456 013034