Summary of request
This table provides 2011 Census estimates that classify all usual residents (threshold 10+ usual residents) by Religion by Ethnic group in England and Wales on census day (27 March 2011).
Advisory note:
Ethnic group: 'White' includes White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British; Irish; Gypsy or Irish Traveller; Other White.
'Mixed/multiple ethnic groups' includes Mixed/multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean; White and Black African; White and Asian; Other Mixed.
'Asian/Asian British" includes Asian/Asian British: Indian; Pakistani; Bangladeshi; Chinese; Other Asian.
'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British includes Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African; Caribbean; Other Black.
'Other ethnic group' includes Other ethnic group: Arab; any other ethnic group.
Please note:
Due to an error in the processing of census data, the number of usual residents in the 'Religion not stated' category has been overestimated by a total of 62,000 for three local authorities: Camden, Islington and Tower Hamlets; more information is available on our 2011 Census: Issues and corrections page.