Can you guess whether the next local authority area you land on has more or fewer residents than the previous one, according to Census 2021? Complete your trip in as few guesses as possible.

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About the data

The first results from Census 2021 provide early rounded population estimates for England and Wales. Unrounded figures will be released in autumn 2022. Figures may differ slightly in future releases because of the impact of removing rounding and applying further statistical processes.

Area in square kilometres, excluding inland water, is taken from the 2021 standard area measurements for local authority areas.

Population density is the estimated number of usual residents per square kilometre. It has been calculated using population estimates rounded to the nearest hundred.

Related links

Population and household estimates, England and Wales: Census 2021
Bulletin | Released 28 June 2022
Census 2021 rounded population and household estimates for local authorities in England and Wales, by sex and five-year age group.

Population and household estimates, Wales: Census 2021
Bulletin | Released 28 June 2022
Census 2021 rounded population and household estimates for local authorities in Wales, by sex and five-year age group.

How the population changed where you live: Census 2021
Digital content article | Released 28 June 2022
Interactive scrolly-telling article visualising the first results from Census 2021 in England and Wales at a local level.

History of the census: 1801 to 2021
Digital content article | Released 20 June 2022
How the census in England and Wales has evolved over 220 years, from the first census in 1801 to 2021 and the future of population statistics.

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