
24 March 2023

We have corrected an error in W02 – Resident questions row 23 question code disability. The previous version did not accurately measure agreement for all four response categories for this question: “yes, disabled and limited a lot”, “yes, disabled and limited a little”, “not disabled, but with a non-limiting long-term condition”, and “not disabled, with no condition”.

This resulted in an agreement rate calculation that did not always compare like-for-like with linked census responses as intended. This caused the CQS agreement rate to be lower than anticipated. It should have shown the agreement rate for the question to be 78.8% instead of 62.9%.

This happened because of a human error. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


About this Dataset

Agreement rates between linked Census 2021 and Census Quality Survey responses, weighted to be representative of the census population, for all household and resident questions surveyed.

Edition in this dataset

March 2023 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

Census customer services
+44 1329 444972