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  • Release date:
    25 November 2024
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

Mid-year (30 June) estimates of the usual resident population for Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in England and Wales by single year of age and sex.

Edition in this dataset

Important notes and usage information

Small Area Population Estimates have recently been subject to an internal ONS quality assurance review. This review recommended that the LSOA data at single year of age should be considered as supporting information and data by five year age band should be further reviewed through the internal quality assurance process. An overview of the recommendations from this review and plans to address these is available on our website.

The more detailed estimates by single year of age provided enable the creation of population estimates for bespoke age groups and encourage further analysis and use of the estimates. Particular caution should be exercised in using estimates at LSOA level for individual single year of age groups as these include patterns of variance and bias that vary by age, sex and geography and would not be expected to have the same level of accuracy as aggregated estimates. Population estimates at MSOA level (5 year age groups) and LSOA (broad age groups) were designated as National Statistics in 2011.

Please note the data in the Mid-2011 section are population estimates for LSOA’s in England and Wales by Quinary Age and Sex; based on the results of the 2011 Census. On 7 June 2018, the Mid-2002 to Mid-2010 sections were renamed Mid-2002 to Mid-2011 to reflect the data contained in the download for single year of age.