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1. Cessation of the Sustainable Development Indicators
Since 2014, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has taken responsibility for updating and publishing the Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) annually in July, at the request of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). They provide an overview of progress towards a sustainable economy, society and environment.
The SDIs contain 12 headline and 23 supplementary indicators, supported by 25 and 41 measures respectively. The latest release of the SDIs, published in July 2015, can be found on our website.
User engagement has revealed limited use of these statistics. This is most notable within Defra where policy interests have moved on towards the use of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework for measuring sustainability. There has also been considerable confusion between the SDIs and both the SDG programme and existing measures of National Well-being. In consultation with our users we have therefore taken the decision to stop publishing the SDIs.
This decision will not result in the loss of any statistics, which will each continue to be available from their original source. To support users we have prepared a table which signposts towards the source of each SDI, and is available below.
Please be aware that these links were accurate as of the 22 July 2016.
If users are unable to access any of the data or have any questions, please contact us at
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