Table of contents
1. Acknowledgements
This publication represents the outcome of a collaborative effort. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Quality of Life and Social Analysis Team is grateful for the expert advice, contributions and assistance provided by many people throughout this project. Most notably, this includes the cross-government Tackling Loneliness Team based in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the academics and other experts who comprised the Loneliness Technical Advisory Group (TAG), and our collaborators at The Children’s Society who helped with survey testing and qualitative interviews with children. We are also grateful to colleagues from across ONS who have helped with data collection, analysis and interpretation.
We would specifically like to acknowledge the help provided at important stages of the project by the following people and organisations:
- Andrea Wigfield and Sarah Alden (University of Sheffield)
- Andrew Steptoe and Camille Lassole (University College London)
- Andy Staniford (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy)
- Cam Lugton (Public Health England)
- Cherish Watton, Sarah Lamb and Tim Leech (WaveLength)
- Christina Victor (Brunel University)
- Darren Stillwell (Department for Transport)
- David Marjoribanks (Money Advice Service)
- David McDaid and Nava Ashraf (London School of Economics)
- Ellie Baggott, Maria Willoughby, Ramona Herdman and Rosanna White (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport)
- Farhana Mann (University College London)
- Gwyther Rees (University of York)
- Huw Thomas (relate)
- Ingrid Abreu-Scherer, Nancy Hey and Silvia Brunetti (What Works Centre for Wellbeing)
- Julianne Holt-Lunstad (Brigham Young University)
- Julie Barnett (University of Bath)
- Kate Jopling (Jopling Consulting)
- Kellie Payne and Laura Alcock-Ferguson (Campaign to End Loneliness)
- Larissa Pople (The Children’s Society)
- Laura Venning, Richard Dowsett and Tamsin Shuker (Big Lottery Fund)
- Lauren Bowes (Home Office)
- Leila Tavakoli (Department of Health and Social Care)
- Louise Arseneault (King’s College London)
- Matt Baumann (Ageing Better)
- Nicole Pitcher (Cochrane France)
- Olivia Christophersen (Department for International Development)
- Pamela Qualter (University of Manchester)
- Raj Patel (University of Essex)
- Sophie Pryce, Philip Talbot and Vinal Karania (Age UK)
- Stephen Hall (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
- Susan Cooke (British Red Cross)
- Tim Matthews (King’s College London)
- Ula Tymoszuk (Royal College of Music)