
Access to gardens and public green space in Great Britain

Release date: 14 May 2020 9:30am


The percentage of homes without a garden is higher among ethnic minorities, with Black people in England nearly four times as likely as White people to have no outdoor space at home.


  • One in eight British households has no garden

    The percentage of homes without a garden is higher among ethnic minorities, with Black people in England nearly four times as likely as White people to have no outdoor space at home.


  • Access to gardens and public green space in Great Britain

    Analysis of Ordnance Survey (OS) data on access to private gardens, public parks and playing fields in Great Britain, available by country, region, Local Authority and Middle Layer Super Output Area. This page also includes Natural England survey data on garden access in England, broken down by personal characteristics such as age and ethnicity.


Contact details


Adam Dutton and Max Engledew
