
Consumer price inflation, UK: November 2024

Released: 18 December 2024 7:00am
Next release: 15 January 2025


Price indices percentage changes and weights for the different measures of consumer price inflation.



  • Consumer price inflation tables

    Measures of monthly UK inflation data including CPIH, CPI and RPI. These tables complement the consumer price inflation time series dataset.

  • Consumer price inflation detailed briefing note

    The consumer price inflation detailed briefing note contains details of the items contributing to the changes in the CPIH (and RPI), details of any notable movements, a summary of the reconciliation of CPIH and RPI, and the outlook, which looks ahead to next month’s release.

Contact details


Consumer Price Inflation team



+44 1633 456900

About the data

Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest

Pre-release access list

The phrase 'Pre-release Access' refers to the practice whereby official statistics in their final form, and any accompanying written commentary, are made available to an eligible person in advance of their publication. The rules and principles which govern pre-release access are featured within the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008.

Besides ONS staff, the following persons are given pre-release access by the period indicated before release.

Access Department Duration
Governor Bank of England 46.5 hours
Deputy Governor X 3 Bank of England 46.5 hours
Chief Economist Bank of England 46.5 hours
External MPC Member X 4 Bank of England 46.5 hours
Governor’s Economic Assistant Bank of England 46.5 hours
Governor’s Private Secretary Bank of England 46.5 hours
PA to Deputy Governor Monetary Policy Bank of England 46.5 hours
Senior Economic Adviser to Deputy Governor Monetary Policy Bank of England 46.5 hours
PA to Chief Economist Bank of England 46.5 hours
Economic Advisor x 2 Bank of England 46.5 hours
Director Monetary Analysis Bank of England 46.5 hours
Head of MPC Secretariat Bank of England 46.5 hours
Deputy Head, MPC Secretariat Bank of England 46.5 hours
MPC Secretariat x 3 Bank of England 46.5 hours
MPR Editor Bank of England 46.5 hours
Executive Director, Communications Division Bank of England 46.5 hours
Executive Director, Markets Bank of England 46.5 hours
Director, Markets Director Bank of England 46.5 hours
Senior Press Officer, Stakeholder and Media Engagement Bank of England 46.5 hours
HMT representative HMT 46.5 hours
MPC Co-ordinator – only applicable while meetings are held in hybrid format Bank of England 46.5 hours