
Household disposable income and inequality, UK: financial year ending 2021

Release date: 28 March 2022 9:30am


Examining how taxes and benefits redistribute between various groups of households in the UK. The study shows where different types of households and individuals are in the income distribution and looks at the changing levels of income inequality over time.



Contact details


Paula Croal




Changes to this release date

  1. Previous date

    31 January 2022 9:30am

    Reason for change

    Further quality assurance of data is required.

  2. Previous date

    17 March 2022 9:30am

    Reason for change

    To avoid bank holiday.

  3. Previous date

    16 March 2022 9:30am

    Reason for change

    Further QA required.

  4. Previous date

    25 March 2022 9:30am

    Reason for change

    The original date was input in error. This has now been corrected, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

About the data

Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest