UK Measures of National Well-being: review and latest insights
Release date:
5 July 2023 9:30am
The Measures of National Well-being (MNW) were launched by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 2010 to provide a comprehensive picture of how we are doing as individuals, as communities and as a nation, and how sustainable this is for the future. From October 2022 to March 2023 we reviewed the measures and how we disseminate them. This release outlines our recommendations and provides the latest insights from the updated measures.
UK Measures of National Well-being: measures metadata
Metadata tables containing information on the question, data source, frequency of update, devolved administration source, and method of assessment of change for each measure.
UK Measures of National Well-being
The UK’s progress across 10 topic areas of national well-being. Breakdowns by UK country and region, age and sex, including quality information where available.
Findings from qualitative analysis of focus group discussions with LGBT+, Black, Black British, Black Caribbean and Black African, and Arab adults
A qualitative study on what influences the well-being of LGBT+ and Black, Black British, Black Caribbean and Black African, and Arab adults, 3 to 26 January 2023.
UK Measures of National Well-being user guide
User guide for the UK Measures of National Well-being, providing more detail on the framework. Includes metadata tables of the revised measures, detail on how we produce estimates, and measure change over time.