Released on: 29 June 2017
Statistical bulletin
Cancer survival in England for specific cancer sites by age, sex and stage at diagnosis.
Released on: 24 January 2019
Statistical bulletin
1-year, 5-year and 10-year net-survival estimates for adults diagnosed with cancer between 2012 and 2016 and followed up to 2017, and by stage at diagnosis.
Released on: 16 September 2016
Statistical bulletin
1-year, 5-year and 10-year net survival for adults in England diagnosed with 1 of 24 common cancers between 2010 and 2014 and followed up to 2015.
Released on: 12 August 2019
Statistical bulletin
1-year, 5-year, and 10-year net-survival estimates for adults and children diagnosed with cancer between 2013 and 2017 and followed up to 2018, and by stage at diagnosis.
Released on: 14 June 2018
Statistical bulletin
Long-term survival trends for children (aged 0 to 14 years) diagnosed with cancer in England. Adult and stage of diagnosis survival estimates will be published in a separate release, later in 2018.
Released on: 27 May 2016
Statistical bulletin
Cancer diagnoses and age-standardised incidence rates for all cancer sites by age, sex and region.
Released on: 15 January 2016
Statistical bulletin
Long-term trends in the number of children (aged 0 to 14) surviving cancer 5 years after diagnosis.
Released on: 10 July 2015
Statistical bulletin
Newly registered cases of cancer by type (area of the body affected), sex, age and regional variations.
Released on: 19 June 2014
Statistical bulletin
Newly registered cases of cancer by type (area of the body affected), sex, age and regional variations.
Released on: 26 June 2013
Statistical bulletin
Newly registered cases of cancer by type (area of the body affected), sex, age and regional variations.