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Definition to report a death as being caused by the covid virus
Sum of government money being spent on the A1 upgrade
Personal well-being outputs: Summary of user feedback
Feedback from an online survey conducted to help us enhance the quality of the personal well-being outputs and consider different analysis to better meet user needs.
UK Measures of National Well-being user guide
User guide for the UK Measures of National Well-being, providing more detail on the framework. Includes metadata tables of the revised measures, detail on how we produce estimates, and measure change over time.
Personal well-being quarterly estimates technical report
Description of the statistical methods and techniques used to create and analyse quarterly estimates for personal well-being in the UK. This is the first time that we are publishing quarterly data for the personal well-being figures as Experimental Statistics, providing a more timely picture comparable with economic well-being statistics.
Surveys using our four personal well-being questions
A guide to what surveys include the four ONS personal well-being questions.
Measuring National Well-being outputs: Summary of user feedback
Feedback from an online survey conducted to help us enhance the quality of the Measuring National Well-being outputs and consider different analysis to better meet user needs.
The National Study of Health and Wellbeing: Children and Young People 2023
Bid for the Provision of Research Supporting the National Wellbeing Framework project
People in the UK who identify as being both religious and having a disability