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Not all census content has been released. Check for upcoming releases in the release calendar. Alternatively, you can create a custom dataset.
Released on: 27 March 2020 | Dataset
Annual data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). Data include when and where incidents happened, information about offenders, the victim's perception of the incident, and who they reported the incident to.
Released on: 20 July 2017 | Article
Released on: 25 April 2019 | Dataset
Recorded crime figures for Community Safety Partnerships which equates in the majority of instances to local authorities . The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 and year ending March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007. The data cover local authority boundaries from April 2009 onwards and local authority area names correspond to Community Safety Partnership areas.
Released on: 22 November 2016 | User requested data
Released on: 08 November 2021 | Article
Released on: 02 May 2018 | User requested data
Recorded crime for Police Force Areas, including a pivot table. The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 and year ending March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007.
Released on: 14 October 2019 | Dataset
Data tables that support the presentation at the Royal Statistical Society’s “Estimating the extent of repeat and multiple victimisation using data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales".