Released on: 22 February 2017
Statistical bulletin
Cancer diagnoses and age-standardised incidence rates for all cancer sites by age and sex.
Released on: 08 February 2017
Statistical bulletin
Long-term trends in the number of children (aged 0 to 14) surviving cancer 5 and 10 years after diagnosis.
Released on: 23 February 2016
Statistical bulletin
Newly registered cases of cancer by type (area of the body affected), sex, age and regional variations.
Released on: 26 February 2018
Statistical bulletin
Cancer survival estimates for England by NHS Region, Cancer Alliance, Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships.
Released on: 29 October 2013
Statistical bulletin
Comparisons across 24 cancer types of the rate of survival for adults (aged 15 to 99) and short-term predicted survival rates for recently diagnosed patients.
Released on: 10 December 2013
Statistical bulletin
Long-term trends in the number of children (aged 0 to 14) surviving cancer 5 years after diagnosis.
Released on: 23 March 2017
Statistical bulletin
Cancer survival estimates for England by NHS Region, Cancer Alliance, Sustainability and Transformation Plan.
Released on: 19 November 2015
Statistical bulletin
Comparisons across 24 cancer types of the rate of survival for adults (aged 15 to 99) and short-term predicted survival rates for recently diagnosed patients.
Released on: 30 October 2014
Statistical bulletin
Comparisons across 24 cancer types of the rate of survival for adults (aged 15 to 99) and short-term predicted survival rates for recently diagnosed patients.
Released on: 10 June 2016
Statistical bulletin
Survival for people diagnosed by cancer type, split by stage at diagnosis. Data based on people diagnosed in England in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Produced in collaboration with Public Health England (PHE).