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Not all census content has been released. Check for upcoming releases in the release calendar. Alternatively, you can create a custom dataset.
Odds of 2011 Census records linking to the patient register
Odds ratios based on sex, age in single years, square of age in single years, age in five year age bands, regions, deprivation quintile and ethnic group
COVID-19 vaccination rates and odds ratios by socio-demographic group
Vaccination rates and odds ratios by socio-demographic group among people living in England.
Odds ratios for risk of coronavirus-related deaths by ethnic group, England and Wales
Odds ratios for the risk of dying from the coronavirus (COVID-19) by ethnicity in England and Wales.
The odds of smoking by sexual orientation in England, 2016
Odds ratios for benefit receipts during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, England: 23 March 2020 to 31 March 2021
CT0467_2011 Census - Log odds of loneliness for those aged 65 and over - Local Authorities to Output Areas England and Wales
International Returns: GG: ODD ESA Table 0900
International Returns: S13+S212: ODD ESA Table 0900
International Returns: CG: ODD ESA Table 0900
International Returns: LG: ODD ESA Table 0900