Survey Information
Businesses sampled for the Business enterprise research and development (BERD) survey receive either a short or long form depending on the size of the business and how much research and development (R&D) they perform. The 2023 BERD survey short form and long form questions are listed on this page.
BERD 2023 survey - short form questions
1. Reporting period
Are you able to report for the calendar year?
What dates will you be reporting for?
Did your business undertake any in-house R&D?
Will your business be carrying out any in-house R&D in the future?
2. In-house R&D
What was your business's total in-house expenditure on:
civil R&D
defence R&D
In relation to total expenditure on in-house R&D, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
3. Purchased R&D
Did your business purchase any R&D conducted outside the business?
How much R&D conducted outside the business did your business purchase in relation to:
civil R&D
defence R&D
In relation to total expenditure on purchased R&D, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
4. Number of Employees
How many employees worked on R&D?
How many full-time equivalent employees worked on:
civil R&D
defence R&D
BERD 2023 survey - long form questions
1. Reporting period
Are you able to report for the calendar year?
What dates will you be reporting for?
Did your business undertake any in-house R&D?
Will your business be carrying out any in-house R&D in the future?
2. In-house R&D
Which types (product codes) of in-house R&D has your business carried out?
3. In-house R&D - Civil or defence
Which of the following types of R&D were carried out by your business in relation to each product code:
both (civil and defence)
4. Civil Non-Capital Expenditure
For civil R&D, what was your business's non-capital expenditure on:
salaries and wages
materials, supplies and equipment
How much of the total non-capital expenditure for civil R&D related to:
basic research
applied research
experimental development
5. Civil Capital Expenditure
For civil R&D, what was your business's gross capital expenditure on:
land acquired
buildings acquired or constructed
equipment and machinery
Of the expenditure on equipment and machinery, how much was spent on computer software for R&D?
6. Civil Total Expenditure
In relation to total expenditure for civil R&D, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
7. Funding for Civil Expenditure
Of the total expenditure for civil R&D:
How much was funded by the following UK sources:
own funds from within the UK
the UK Government
other UK business enterprises
UK non-profit organisations
UK higher education establishments
How much was funded by the following sources outside the UK:
business enterprises within your group
other business enterprises
other Governments
higher education establishments
non-profit organisations
international organisations
any other organisations
How much of your business's R&D assets are, or will be, owned by the following:
your UK business
the UK Government
other UK business enterprises
other UK organisations
any other businesses or organisations outside the UK
not owned and freely available in-house R&D
8. Defence Non-Capital Expenditure
For defence R&D, what was your business's non-capital expenditure on:
salaries and wages
materials, supplies and equipment
How much of the total non-capital expenditure for defence R&D related to:
basic research
applied research
experimental development
9. Defence Capital Expenditure
For defence R&D, what was your business's gross capital expenditure on:
land acquired
buildings acquired or constructed
equipment and machinery
Of the expenditure on equipment and machinery, how much was spent on computer software for R&D?
10. Defence Total Expenditure
In relation to expenditure for defence R&D, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
11. Funding for Defence Expenditure
Of the total expenditure for in-house defence R&D:
How much was funded by the following UK sources:
own funds from within the UK
the UK Government
other UK business enterprises
UK non-profit organisations
UK higher education establishments
How much was funded by the following sources outside the UK:
business enterprises within your group outside the UK
other business enterprises outside the UK
other Governments outside the UK
higher education establishments outside the UK
non-profit organisations outside the UK
international organisations
any other organisations outside the UK
How much of your business's R&D assets are, or will be, owned by the following:
your UK business
the UK Government
other UK business enterprises
other UK organisations
any other businesses or organisations outside the UK
not owned and freely available in-house R&D
12. Purchase of R&D conducted outside the business
Did your business purchase any R&D conducted outside the business?
Which types of R&D (product codes) has your business purchased that was conducted outside the business?
Which types of R&D were purchased by your business in relation to the product codes:
both (civil and defence)
13. Purchase of Civil R&D
How much did your business spend on civil R&D work:
commissioned within the UK
carried out outside the UK (originally funded by the UK Government)
carried out outside the UK (not originally funded by the UK Government)
In relation to these values, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
14. Purchase of Defence R&D
How much did your business spend on defence R&D work:
commissioned within the UK
carried out outside the UK (originally funded by the UK Government)
carried out outside the UK (not originally funded by the UK Government)
In relation to these values, has your business submitted, or does it intend to submit, a claim for R&D tax credits?
15. Number of employees working on R&D - Headcount
How many employees working on R&D were:
male researchers
female researchers
How many employees working on R&D were:
male technicians
female technicians
How many employees working on R&D were:
male employees in other roles
female employees in other roles
16. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees
How many full-time equivalent employees working on R&D were researchers working on:
civil R&D
defence R&D
How many full-time equivalent employees working on R&D were technicians working on:
civil R&D
defence R&D
How many full-time equivalent employees working on R&D were in other roles working on:
civil R&D
defence R&D
17. Workplace information
What are the postcodes of the workplaces where in-house R&D is performed?
What percentage of your business's total R&D is carried out at each workplace?