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  • Renter affordability for new tenancies

    Monthly data showing the proportion of gross income spent on rent for new tenancies across the UK, from Dataloft Rental Market Analytics (DRMA). These are official statistics in development. Source: Dataloft. Dataloft is a PriceHubble company.

  • Revolut spending on debit cards

    Weekly and monthly data showing indices of Revolut debit card transaction data, UK. These are official statistics in development. Source: Revolut

  • Road traffic for Great Britain

    Experimental estimates to monitor the use of the transport system during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic using Department for Transport (DfT) data.

  • Sales and jobs in small businesses

    Monthly dataset showing change in sales and jobs recorded by Xero, an online accounting software platform. This dataset is updated on a quarterly basis. These are official statistics in development. Source: Xero.

  • Shelf availability of items from UK shops

    Data provided by Kantar Public, recording item availability of 21 popular products across the UK and English regions.

  • System Average Price (SAP) of gas

    Daily data showing System Average Price (SAP) of gas, and rolling seven-day average, traded in Great Britain over the On-the-Day Commodity Market (OCM). These are official statistics in development. Source: National Gas Transmission.

  • System Price of electricity

    Daily data showing the System Price of electricity, and rolling seven-day average, in Great Britain. These are official statistics in development. Source: Elexon.

  • Textkernel new online job adverts

    Monthly data showing the number of new online job adverts in the UK. These are official statistics in development. Source: Textkernel.

  • Traffic camera activity

    Daily data showing weekday adjusted busyness indices using traffic camera data to monitor flows of cars, pedestrians, cyclists, buses and commercial vehicles for selected cities and regions of the UK. These are official statistics in development. Source: Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester

  • Transactions at Pret A Manger

    Weekly data showing transactions from approximately 400 Pret A Manger stores around the UK. These are official statistics in development. Source: Pret a Manger