
Healthy life expectancy in England and Wales: between 2011 to 2013 and 2021 to 2023
What's in the bulletin?
- In 2021 to 2023, males in England could expect to spend 61.5 years of their lives in good health, compared with 60.3 years in Wales; for females, it was 61.9 years in England and 59.6 years in Wales.
- In 2021 to 2023, males in England could expect to spend 61.5 years of their lives in good health, compared with 60.3 years in Wales; for females, it was 61.9 years in England and 59.6 years in Wales.
- In 2021 to 2023, males in England could expect to spend 61.5 years of their lives in good health, compared with 60.3 years in Wales; for females, it was 61.9 years in England and 59.6 years in Wales.

Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain: between 2001 to 2003 and 2021 to 2023
What's in the bulletin?
- Male life expectancy at birth remained lower than in the last pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic period (2017 to 2019) in more than four fifths of Great Britain's local areas; female life expectancy was lower in 70% of them.
- The 10 highest local area male life expectancies at birth were all located in the south of England; the 10 lowest were in Scotland, in the north of England and in Wales.
- The 10 highest local area female life expectancies at birth were also all located in the south of England; the 10 lowest were mostly in Scotland.
Datasets related to Health and life expectancies
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain
Period life expectancy at birth and other age groups at regional and local authority levels in constituent countries of Great Britain.
Life expectancy estimates template
Template designed to provide estimates of life expectancy in five-year age bands for a given population.
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain, single year periods
Period life expectancy for single-year periods, at birth and other age groups at regional and local authority levels in constituent countries of Great Britain. These are official statistics in development.
Health Expectancies in the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland
Contains reference tables of Healthy Life Expectanc at birth and at age 65 by country from 2000–02 to 2009–11.
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 for the UK and Local Areas in Scotland
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for the UK and local areas in Scotland, 1991-93 to 2010-12
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 for the UK and Local Areas in Northern Ireland
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for the UK and local areas in Northern Ireland, 1991-93 to 2010-12
Publications related to Health and life expectancies
Statistical bulletins
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain: between 2001 to 2003 and 2021 to 2023
Subnational trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by “period life expectancy”.
Healthy life expectancy in England and Wales: between 2011 to 2013 and 2021 to 2023
The number of years people are expected to spend in “good” general health in England and Wales.
Healthy life expectancy at birth and age 65 by upper tier local authority and area deprivation: England, 2012 to 2014
Healthy life expectancy (HLE) for males and females at birth and age 65 by English regions, upper tier local authorities and national deciles of area deprivation.
Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Upper Tier Local Authority: England 2012 to 2014
2012 to 2014 estimates of disability-free life expectancy for males and females in upper tier local authorities, England at birth and at age 65.
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 by Local Areas in England and Wales: 2012 to 2014
Trends for England and Wales (national, regional and local areas) in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by "period life expectancy".
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 by Local Areas in the United Kingdom: 2006-08 to 2010-12
Trends for the UK (national, regional and local areas) in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by "period life expectancy".
You draw the charts: 60 years of change
In October 1957 BBC Radio 4's Today programme went on the air for the first time. What's changed in the last 60 years?
What affects an area’s healthy life expectancy?
How long we will spend in good health, our healthy life expectancy, is becoming increasingly important. Find out what affects healthy life expectancy in your area.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey
Teetotalism, drinking in the week before interview, binge drinking (heavy episodic drinking) and frequent drinking, including changes in drinking patterns in recent years.
Methodology related to Health and life expectancies
Find, compare and visualise statistics about places within the United Kingdom.