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CPI WEIGHTS 01.1.7 : Vegetables including potatoes and tubers
PPI INDEX IMPORT NEU - B07 Metal ores 2015=100
CPI ANNUAL RATE Hairdressing for men and children 2015=100
CPIH MONTHLY RATE Equip recep, record and reprod of sound 2015=100
CPIH WEIGHTS Other fees and services
PPI INDEX EXPORT EU - C234 Other porcelain and ceramic products 2015=100
PPI INDEX OUTPUT DOMESTIC - D3511 Electricity, excluding Climate Change Levy 2015=100
RPI: All items exc. seasonal food (Jan 1987=100)
CPI MONTHLY RATE Recreational and sporting services Attendance 2015=100
CPI ANNUAL RATE Other preserved or processed fish and seafood - based preparations 2015=100