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Revision: Total Services, growth Q on Q yr ago
GFCF:Private sector: TOTAL: Transfer of ownership costs: £m: CVM: SA
Imports services one quarter growth rate CP SA %
Central govt : accruals adjustment : social security contributions
Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
"Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m"
Household Final Consumption Expenditure: Clothing & footwear: Annual growth rate %: Chained Volume Measures: Seasonally Adjusted
Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
GDP Deflator: Quarter on quarter growth: SA %
PP: Water and sewerage, growth Q on Q yr ago