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Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: China: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
BoP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Exports: China
BoP FA PI Liability flow total gilts:£m
BoP: FA: Liabs: Overseas sector finance : notes & coin: CP NSA:£m
BoP FA PI Liability flows Other CG long-term debt NSA £m
Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
IMF BoP IIP external debt Other sectors total short-term liabilities NSA £m
Trade in Goods (T): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA