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BPM6:BoP:FA:a/l:FDI:asset:total investment net:nsa:£m
FDI : Inward : Total FDI : Net Transactions in Equity Capital : nsa : £m
Pink Book - Table 8.1 Capital Account (Credits) Regional Development Fund
Debits Current Transfers Non. EU SA
BPM6:BoP:FDI earnings:asset/liabs:as:(as_gross):sa:£m:
Capital Transfers (Debits) Total: CP SA: £m
Bop: Total Primary Income Bal EU sa £m
Other Sectors Debt Forgiveness (Debits) Total: CP SA: £m
Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
BoP IIP Asset level NSA £m