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CPA 08:WW:IM:CP:BOP:SA: 59.2. Audio recordings & printed music
CPA 08:RW:IM:CVM:BOP:SA: 02.2. Wood in the rough
CPA 08:RW:IM:CVM:BOP:SA: 17.1. Pulp, paper & paperboard
CPA 08:RW:IM:CP:BOP:SA: 23.5. Cement, lime & plaster
CPA 08:RW:EX:CVM:BOP:SA: 24.4. Basic precious & other non-ferrous metals
CPA 08:EU:IM:CVM:BOP:NSA: 23.9. Other non-metallic mineral products
CPA 08:WW:EX:CVM:BOP:SA: 15.2. Footwear
CPA 08:WW:EX:CVM:BOP:SA: 14.2. Articles of fur
CPA 08:EU:EX:CP:BOP:NSA: 21.1. Basic pharmaceutical products
Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA