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EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: Tons: SA
Trade in Goods: Iceland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
BOP:Balance:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Thailand: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA