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PPI INDEX OUTPUT DOMESTIC - C2342 Ceramic sanitary fixtures 2015=100
PPI INDEX EXPORT TOTAL - C25 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2015=100
PPI INDEX IMPORT - A0126 Oleaginous fruits 2015=100
PPI INDEX IMPORT - A0111 Cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 2015=100
PPI INDEX IMPORT - C139 Other textiles 2015=100
PPI INDEX INPUT - C20A Inputs into production of Industrial gases; Other inorganic chem..., excluding Climate Change Levy 2015=100
PPI INDEX OUTPUT DOMESTIC - C172 Articles of paper and paperboard 2015=100
PPI INDEX IMPORT - C2841 Metal forming machinery 2015=100
PPI INDEX INPUT - C_MAT_X_FBTP Inputs into production of Materials for core manufacturing, excluding Climate Change Levy 2015=100
PPI INDEX EXPORT TOTAL - C2712 Electricity distribution and control apparatus 2015=100